Joumaer <p>The LAUTECH Journal of Management and Enterpreneuship Research, a multi-disciplinary publication of the Faculty of Management Sciences, is a platform designed for researchers to publish their works. It is a bi-annual academic journal of high quality committed to the publication of original research papers on business management, entrepreneurship, small business, economics, accounting, finance, marketing, human resources management, operations management and other related disciplines.</p> <p>The journal focuses on providing high quality academic research with practical implications for business practices.</p> en-US (Prof. J. O. Adewoye) (Dr. H.A. Adele) Wed, 21 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 INFLUENCE OF HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT ON ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS IN THE NIGERIA MANUFACTURING FIRM <p>This study examines the influence of Human Capital Development on organizational effectiveness, the specific objectives were to investigate the effect of training and development, performance management system, compensation and reward on organizational effectiveness. A survey research design was used to select a sample size of three hundred and fifty- five (355) from the total population of three thousand one hundred and ninety five (3195) employees of Nigerian Breweries to elicit information from the respondents... A structured questionnaire was administered to elicit information from the respondents. In analyzing the data both descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted. The findings showed a significant effects of training and development&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.620; p= 0.000); performance management&nbsp;&nbsp; (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.084;&nbsp; P= 0.000) on organizational effectiveness; and a positive significant relationship between compensation and reward (r=0.107;&nbsp; P&lt;&nbsp; 0.05) and organizational effectiveness. The study concludes that human capital development play a significant role in the effectiveness and performance of any organization.&nbsp; The study therefore recommends that organization should adopt a very efficient performance management system to critically appraise their employees and provides timely and adequate feedback as regard their contribution to the overall organization performance</p> ABIORO Matthew Adekunle , ADEWOYE Jonathan Oyerinde, ONIGBINDE Isaac Oladepo, OYETAYO Oluwatosin Juliana Copyright (c) 2019 Joumaer Tue, 17 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 APPRAISAL OF TRAFFIC CONGESTION OF ROAD INTERSECTIONS AND ITS MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES IN OSOGBO, NIGERIA <p>This paper evaluates road traffic congestion in the major traffic intersections of Osogbo, Nigeria. The study uses primary data which were obtained through accidental and purposive sampling techniques from 250 respondents in Osogbo. Direct observation was also adopted in the study. The variables used in the analysis include: intersection characteristics, traffic volume and composition, causes and effects of road traffic congestion, land use activities and management techniques adopted for road traffic control. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and frequency distribution in form of percentages were used for the data analysis. Finding from this study revealed that statistical variations exit in traffic flows and delays at the studied intersections as reported by Analysis of variance (ANOVA) OF f=54.774 and P=0.000.Also, high volume of traffic, parking problems and street trading were found to be the greatest causes of delays, while lateness to work is what respondents described as being the most undesirable effects of road traffic congestion at the road intersections in the city The study recommends that the road intersections be signalized and vehicle parking be strictly prohibited at road intersections to reduce traffic congestion&nbsp; and delays at road intersections in the city.</p> Dosunmu Victor Ayodele Copyright (c) 2019 Joumaer Fri, 01 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 ASSESSMENT OF TAXATION AS AN INTRUMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA <p>This study examined the impact of taxation on economic development in Nigeria, and also examined the relationship between taxation and economic development in Nigeria from 1980 to 2018. Secondary data were obtained from central bank of Nigeria statistical from 1980 to 2018. Multiple Regressio0n analysis and pearson pairwise correlation mechanism were-employed to analyze the relationship between taxation and economic development. The findings showed that Direct Tax (DIRTAX), Indirect Tax(INDTAX) had positive &nbsp;significant impact on economy stability in Nigeria. It is recommended that for the taxation policy to have more significant impact on economic development of Nigeria, government should develop more strategies to increase tax revenue collection in the country, and the income realized from strategies to increase tax revenue collection in the country, and the income realized from this tax should judicious expended on the fulfilment of the government fiscal responsibilities.</p> ADEGBITE,Tajudeen Adejare, OWOLABI A. USMAN, ADESOKAN, Joseph Ayantoso Copyright (c) 2019 Joumaer Fri, 01 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY: PREREQUISITE FOR NATION BUILDING <p>This tenet upon which people cohabit across contexts is predicated on the principle of social contract. It is about handling over some salient sovereignty of the general people to few individuals who in turn are expected to fulfill certain obligation as dictated by their office for mutual benefits of all and sundry. This study hereby examines the contribution of accountability and transparency in fostering economic growth and development with a view to ensure nation building. Some of the consequences of unaccountability include poor image, lack of development of the country, Unemployment, Low foreign direct investment, poor leadership, poor maintenance culture of infrastructure, unethical behavior of public officials and weak government institution. The study concludes that for nation to be economic viable, it must guarantee political stability which in turn depends on its ability to imbibe the twin principles of accountability and transparency via adherence to the rule of law that leads to good governance. Thus, gaining and keeping trust should be approached holistically by leadership desirous of promoting development in their domains at the thread of accountability; transparency knit together guarantee their integrity through which the led are continually willing to lend support to complement their efforts at nation building</p> Akanbi, F. K, Adele, H. A. Copyright (c) 2019 Joumaer Fri, 01 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 INTERNAL AUDIT AND INDEPENDENCE REVIEW OF ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING COMPLIANCE IN NIGERIA <p>The extent of review of Anti-Money Laundering compliance by internal audit system may be seen as a major solution to some of the challenges posed by this scourge but regardless of the existence of internal audit department, this scourge still persists. Hence, the study examines the role of internal audit in the Independent Audit in the Independence Review of Anti-Money laundering (AML) Compliance in Nigeria. Primary data sourced through administration of Two hundred and forty-five(245) copies of a structured questionnaire on the staff of internal audit department and compliances department and compliance&nbsp; department of sampled NDMBs and FIUs were used for this study, Person Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) was adopted to ascertain whether regular&nbsp; independent&nbsp; AML compliance review&nbsp; are critical to fight against money laundering and while pooled OLS was used to evaluate the extended at which enacted laws in Nigeria have discourage money laundering tendencies among Nigerians.</p> <p>The results showed positive relationship between regular independent AML compliances reviews and fight against money launderings (B= 0.8620,&nbsp; 0.0983; 0.4222; 0.0683,&nbsp; p&nbsp; &gt; 0.0000) and the extent which enacted laws in Nigeria have discourage money laundering tendencies among Nigerians (B=2.373417: -19.53504 Hence the study concluded that there exists positive significant relationship between modeled regular independence AML&nbsp; compliance review and critical fight against money laundering; and the extent at which enacted laws&nbsp; have discouraged ML tendencies among Nigerians. It is therefore recommended that anti-money laundering compliance officers of NDMBs should monitor and enforce strict compliances with the reporting standard in relation to financial dealing of customers.</p> Owolabi, A. Usman , Adewoye Abimbola Copyright (c) 2019 Joumaer Fri, 01 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 THE PROFFESIONAL ACCONTANTS IN NIGERIA AND THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF SUSTAINABILITY <p>It is generally agreed the sustainability is insufficiently understood at the moment in accounting academics. This study provides empirical evidence and supporting thearserssion. Employing an exploratory qualitative research design in which data was collected through survey questionnaire, the study implores the Nigerian professional accountant’s understanding of sustainability. Analysis of the study questionnaire shows that the professional accountants understand sustainability from the perspective of business concern drawing from financial reporting. Thesis at variance with the general understanding that sustainability derives from sustainable development. It calls on professional accounting bodies to train its member to be better equipped for a role in sustainability.</p> Okwusa, Innocent Copyright (c) 2019 Joumaer Fri, 01 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECT OF DEBT FINANCING ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED MANUFACTURING FIRMS IN NIGERIA <p>This study examined the effect of debt financing on financial performance of selected manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Specifically, the study analyzed the impact of total debt, debt ratio, and interest expenses on profit after tax of selected quoted firms in Nigeria. The study covered five (5) manufacturing firms randomly selected from all listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The scope of this study by years will span through a period of five (5) years covering 2012 to 2016, data used in the study were sourced from the annual reports of firms sampled for the study. The study employed panel-based modelling, in which profit after tax was used to measure profitability, while debt finance was proxied by total dept., debt ratio and interests expenses. The study made use of estimation techniques including pooled OLS estimation, fixed effect estimation, random effect estimation followed by post estimation test including restricted f-test and houseman test. Findings revealed that total debt exert insignificant positive impact on profit after tax, with coefficient estimate of .0477349(p=0.590 &gt; 0.005), while debt ratio exert significant negative impact on profit after tax, with coefficient estimate of -2421.905(p=0.003 &lt; 0.05), result also revealed that interest expenses exert insignificant negative impact on profit after tax, with coefficient estimate of -58.06436 (p=0.469 &gt; 0.05). The study recommend that manufacturing should ensure to organize their financing option manufacturing firms should avoid debt overhand and manufacturing firms in the country should ensure that they opt in for debt finance only when it is necessary as the last resort, to position them for better operational efficiency.</p> TELLA A. R. , ADEWOYE Jonathan Oyerinde Copyright (c) 2019 Joumaer Fri, 01 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECTS OF REVENUE GENERATION ON RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN OROLU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA (LGA) IFON OSUN OSUN STATE, NIGERIA <p>The availability of adequate funding is a major prerequisite of economic transformation of a local government area. This study examines the effect of revenue generation&nbsp; on rural economic development in Orolu Local Government Area,&nbsp; Ifon-Osun, Osun state Nigeria, It identified the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents as main determinant&nbsp; and parameters&nbsp; of rural economic development. It also examined the relationship between revenue generation and rural economic development as well as analyzed the constrains military against the effectiveness of revenue generation in the study area. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 150(one hundred and fifty) respondents selected through systematic purposive sampling techniques in the study area. Descriptive statical tools of percentages, frequencies and table distribution were used to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents. Logic Regression Analysis was used to evaluate the effect of revenue generation on rural economic development at the level of 95% confidence interval as well as Regression Analysis on the constraint militating against revenue sourcing in the study area. Findings revealed that the computed F-statistics with corresponding probability value (F&nbsp; 5,&nbsp; 26)&nbsp; =&nbsp; 364.23,&nbsp; Prob&gt;&nbsp; F&nbsp; =&nbsp; 0.0002 and for the Adjusted R<sup>2</sup>&nbsp; (0.0870) and (B&nbsp; =&nbsp; 0.84534). This indicated that revenue generation has significant relationship or positive effect on economics development of the study area at p&lt; 0.05. This paper recommended that government particularly at the local level should pay greater attention to the energy between revenue sourcing and socio-economic transformation so that rural economic development can be stipulated and sustained. The government should ensure greater accountability and transparency on the part of the officials as also their virtues of integrity and transparency would invariably affect and effect socio-economic and rural transformation of the study area.</p> OJO, Oyetunde Olumuyiwa, Oyedele Kayode Samson Copyright (c) 2019 Joumaer Fri, 01 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AS A TOOL FOR HEALTHY LABOUR RELATIONS IN NIGERIA <p>The success of every organization rest on the effective and peaceful labour relations with the present economic situation, demand by unions or employees for improved salaries and better condition will dominate labour relation scene and as such industrial conflict may become constant phenomenum. Such conflict may be avoided if labour relations principle and programmes are put into practice. This paper examines collective bargaining as a tool for healthy labour relations in Nigeria. In other to create an enabling environment for the practice of peaceful labour relations among actors in various industries, there is need to maintain dignity and sanctity of collective agreement. Doing this may require a lot of tact, skills, “give and take” from the various group. If this is done, it will keep the industrial climate reasonably healthy. It is believed that government (federal, state and local) are the largest employer of labour as well as entrepreneur who has responsibilities to care for the welfare of workers which by implication is the promotion of the socio-economic welfare of the nation</p> ILESANMI OLADELE AYODEJI , Bakare, Akeem Adewale Copyright (c) 2019 Joumaer Fri, 01 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 AN EVALUATION OF INFLUENCE OF AUDIT QUALITY VARIABLES ON EARNINGS RESPONSE COEFFICIENT OF QUOTED DEPOSIT MONEY BANKS IN NIGERIA <p>Quality audit provides tool for uncovering errors and sending signals about the credibility of corporate financial statements. Reports of systemic failure and conflicting findings of academic researches on the financial health of Nigerian Deposit Money Banks (DMB) raised some queries on its Audit Quality(AQ).&nbsp; This study examined the influence of Audit Quality Variables (AQV)&nbsp;&nbsp; on Earning Response Co-efficient (ERC) of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. This study made use of secondary data obtained from annual reports and account of selected banks from 2010 to 2017. Purposive sampling technique was adopted to select six (6) banks out of twenty-one banks. Representative variables for AQ are Audit firm size (AUDS), Auditors Independence (AUDIN), and Non-Audit Services (NAS) while ERC was proxied using Unexpected Earnings (UE). Ordinary Least Square Regression was used to measure the influence of Audit Quality on Earnings Response Coefficient of DMBs in Nigeria at 0.05 level of significance. AUDS, AUDIN and NAS had a positive significant influence on ERC with t = 1.30, p = 0.003; t =1.21, p = 0.004; and t = 1.95, p = 0.001 respectively. With the R<sup>2</sup> and Adjusted R<sup>2</sup> (0.647 and 0.6600 respectively) confirmed the significant of the model. It therefore recommended that DMBs in Nigeria should endeavor to employ the services of one of the big audit firms in order to improve Audit Quality.</p> Maruf Oladejo, Wasiu Bello Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 06 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF FOCUS STRATEGY ON THE ASSET QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF FOOTBALL CLUBS IN THE NIGERIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE <p>The Nigerian football league is experiencing rapid growth, attracting increased attention from fans, sponsors, and investors. With this surge in interest comes heightened competition among clubs, necessitating the adoption of effective competitive strategies and robust financial management practices. In the realm of sports, particularly football, the coexistence of athletic prowess and financial viability presents a unique challenge that sets it apart from other industries. Therefore, the study examined the effect of focus strategy on the asset quality management of football clubs in the Nigerian football league. Survey research design was employed for the study and a structured questionnaire on the subject matter was administered. Stratified sampling technique was used to categorize the football clubs and purposive sampling was used to select the 37 out of 90 registered clubs. Fifteen copies of questionnaire were distributed to all the relevant administrators of each of the 37 clubs. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Multiple Regressions were used to examine the effect of focus strategy on the asset quality management of football clubs in the Nigerian football league. Result of the multiple regression from the analysis showed that the effect of the focus strategy on asset management exhibits that player recruitment (p=0.000), tactical approach (p=0.017), youth development (p=0.026), and fan engagement (p=0.000) were all significant, though financial allocation (p=0.833) was not. The study concluded that focus strategy employed by football clubs has a significant effect on their asset management quality. It is therefore recommended that Football clubs should align their focus strategy with long-term asset quality management goals. This involves clearly defining objectives related to player recruitment, tactical approach, youth development, and fan engagement, ensuring that they are in line with the club's overall mission and vision.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Olalekan Abeeb Azeez , Owolabi Akeem Usman Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effect of Tax Revenue on Expenditure Allocation of Government Sectors in Southwest State, Nigeria <p>Taxation has been recognized as exerting a significant influence on government expenditures, which constitute a fundamental component of an economy, particularly in numerous developing and underdeveloped nations. Taxes stand out as the primary source of funding for government expenditures. The extent to which tax revenue affect expenditure allocation of government sectors in southwest state, has remained a subject of concern in the Nigerian context. Therefore the study examines the effect of tax revenue on expenditure allocation of government sectors in southwest state, Nigeria. The research design employed in this study is ex-post facto, and data were obtained from audited annual financial reports and budgets of the southwestern states governments spanning a period of forty years, from 1982 to 2022. The study encompassed all six states within the southwest region of Nigeria. Both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were utilized for analysis. Descriptive statistics, such as minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation values, were computed. Variance Decomposition Analysis (VDA) and Impulse Response Function (IRF), integral components of time series regression analysis, were employed to assess all study variables at a significance level of 5%. Regression analysis was conducted to investigate the impact of tax revenue on the allocation of government expenditures across various sectors in the southwest states of Nigeria. The study concluded that there is significant relationship between revenue and expenditure profile of state governments in southwest states, Nigeria. The study therefore recommended that government should explore avenues to diversify revenue sources beyond taxes.</p> <p><strong>Keyword:</strong> Tax, Revenue, Expenditure, Allocation, Government, Southwest State, Nigeria</p> Hassan Taiwo Fasina, Oyefunke Olanike Adekunle , Kayode Wahab Oyeleye Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 03 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effects of Auditor Regulations and Corporate Governance on Accounting Earnings Quality in Listed Deposit Money Bank of Nigeria <p>Auditor regulation(AR) is concerned with ensuring that auditors follow best practice standard in conducting the auditing, competent, independent and capable of detecting significant errors in financial statement and reporting faithfully on them. Reports of prevalence of fraud, excessive earning management(EM) and other financial crises placed doubt in the financial statement and led to serious questions being asked of the audit profession and regulation. In this study, effects of audit fees(AFEE), audit firm size(AFS),and audit firm tenure (AFT) on accounting earnings quality (EQ) and extent at which board independence (BI), Board size (BS) Audit strength (AFSTH) and ownership structure (OS) influenced EQ in listed deposit money banks (DMBs) of Nigeria were examined. This study made use of secondary data obtained from annual reports and accounts of selected banks from 2013 to 2022. Purposive Sampling technique was adopted to select twelve (12) banks out of fifteen banks. Panel regression model was used to examine effect of ARV, CGV on EQ while multiple correlation was adopted to determine the joint relationship between AR, CG and EQ. Findings showed that AR and CG has significant effect on EQ. It is therefore recommended that regulatory authority should periodically review and update auditor regulations to align with international best practices and evolving financial reporting standards.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Wasiu BELLO, Emmanuel Abiodun ALAGBE, Kayode Wahab OYELEYE Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000